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General Membership

Thank you for your interest in USWAG.  Membership is open to:

  • Operating Energy Companies — defined as investor-owned, cooperative or publicly-owned entities engaged in the generation/production, transmission, or distribution of electricity, natural gas, or other energy sources.
  • Holding Companies — defined as corporations in the United States having an ownership interest in one or more Operating Energy Companies.
  • Trade Associations — defined as incorporated associations whose members consist of Operating Energy Companies.

USWAG member benefits include

  • Copies of all USWAG mailings, which describe and analyze proposed regulations, legislative proposals, legal developments, and technical issues relating to RCRA, TSCA, HMTA, and CERCLA.
  • Prompt, specialized, and cost-effective advice from USWAG legal counsel.
  • Representation on the USWAG Policy Committee, technical committees, and task forces, which will enable you to help establish and implement policy regarding solid and hazardous waste and chemical management issues.
  • Regulatory success, which translates into significant cost savings for USWAG members.
  • Access to the USWAG Members-Only website, which includes a searchable archive of USWAG mailings and Issue Papers on over 100 solid, hazardous waste, and chemical management subject areas.

Membership dues:

USWAG Membership dues are derived from a formula that considers a company's total capacity, coal capacity (including coal retirement dates), electric sales, and natural gas sales. Each component of the formula (total capacity, coal capacity, electric sales, gas sales) has its own share amount, which is determined by what range your data for that component fits into. Please reach out to learn more about USWAG dues formula.

For further information and to apply for USWAG membership, please contact:

Dan Chartier
Executive Director
(771) 777-5024