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Remediation & Response Committee

The USWAG Remediation and Response Committee addresses legislative, regulatory, operational, and liability issues and challenges involving the investigation, assessment, characterization, remediation, and redevelopment of contaminated utility facilities and other properties.  The Committee provides the following services:

  • Updates involving CERCLA case law and related liability considerations, including in connection with the bona fide prospective purchaser (BFPP) defense and other landowner liability protections (LLPs).
  • Trainings and member counseling involving requirements of EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) standard and associated requirements of and updates to the ASTM E1527 and E2247 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment standards.
  • Participation in and liaison with ASTM E50 Committee task groups on standards related to continuing obligations, transaction screens, and greener cleanups.
  • Tracking of and engagement with legislative and regulatory developments involving CERCLA liability, site cleanup standards, and emerging contaminants.
  • Monitoring and engaging with risk assessment activities under the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Program.
  • Regular member updates regarding federal PFAS regulatory developments and related compliance considerations, and preparation of comments on rulemakings and other developments of significance to USWAG members.
  • Participation in the PFAS Regulatory Coalition to identify and respond to state and federal regulatory initiatives involving PFAS.
  • In-person and virtual Committee meetings, workshops, and calls to provide members with a forum for discussion with peer utilities on operational challenges and compliance strategies involving the assessment and remediation of, and liability associated with, potentially contaminated properties and brownfields.
  • In coordination with other USWAG technical committees, hosting workshops and creating additional resources addressing decommissioning, remediation, and PFAS/emerging contaminant issues arising in the utility context.